China Developed a Neutron Bomb That it Never Deployed. Why?
"From 1977 to 1988 China developed a neutron bomb, more formally known as an enhanced radiation weapon. Neutron bombs are specialized tactical nuclear weapons (TNW) with reduced blast effects and enhanced radiation. Similar to the BMD and ASAT puzzles, this weapon appears incompatible with China’s stated nuclear doctrine. China’s no first use doctrine emphasizes strategic forces and responding only to a nuclear attack, whereas a neutron bomb is tactical and ideal for first use against conventional forces."
Jonathan Ray is a Research Associate at Defense Group Inc. (DGI), where he conducts research and analysis using Chinese-language sources on foreign policy, national security, and science and technology issues. Previously he was a contract researcher at the National Defense University, where he wrote Red China's “Capitalist Bomb": Inside the Chinese Neutron Bomb Program, from which this piece is adapted.